Антон Семиженко

журналіст, редактор

Подкаст про фолктроніку

У цьому подкасті на 40 хвилин звучать мелодії з усього світу. Попри слово “фольк” у назві стилю, народних мотивів ви не почуєте – це сучасні мелодії, в яких на традиції звучать лише натяки. В решті музику створено з численних, часто зовсім несподіваних, інструментів. Вийшло гармонійно, в чому можна переконатись, завантаживши аудіо тут.

Складові подкасту:


F.S.Blumm – Giorgi And Lucy

The Banjo Consorsium – Tuesday Cracker

The Banjo Consorsium – Un Soire Kebekoise


Tunng – Mother’s Daughter

Young girl stuck to the water
Time will tell if you’re your mother’s daughter
Stone boat adrift on the ocean
Rows for the shore with the devil’s devotion
Red girl picture was broken
Stand in the glass the angel’s in motion
White swan watch with a wry smile
Raise up your wings for the wind and the last mile
Young girl stuck to the water
Time will tell if you’re your mother’s daughter


Tunng – Kinky Vans


Tunng – Beautiful And Light

Katie feels a snap and switches off the tap
Walks out to fetch the shotgun from the shed
Feels just a little rush and climbs into the car
Slow down a moment
Drives out along the lane and calmly into town
Stops to let the music come around
Walks down to the bank and draws a quiet breath
Slow down a moment
Switch on, all’s fine, burn out, on fire
Stitched tight, beautiful and light
Lights a cigarette, climbs the marble stairs
And waves the gun around
To paint a meaning
Money comes like rain
Feel this; easy feeling
She drives the car away
And laughs and smiles
Stops to count the notes out for a while
And when she’s done, drives on
For a sunrise

Psapp – Apple Block

I’ll never be a marine biologist
I’ll never be a priest
I couldn’t be a tiny person
When all the matters least
I’ll never make a decent soldier
Maybe when I’m older

I’ll never make a butcher, baker, teacher, trainer
I’ll never make a tamer
I’ll never catch a rat

Sometimes my body stops me
Sometimes my head
Sometimes my body stops me
Sometimes my head

I’ll never make a good cartographer
I can’t read a map
And I have never been from Europe
I don’t like the suntrap
I’d be a terrible psychoanalysist
Too sucked up in me
I’ll never make a decent botonist
Don’t know a shrub from a tree

Sometimes my body stops me
Sometimes my head
Sometimes my body stops me
Sometimes my head

I’ll never be a bouncer
The Anti-Christ
I’ll never build a yacht
I’ll never be a famous gunman
I don’t have a good shot
I’ll never be a good palm reader
Or a rabbit breeder

I’ll never give up until I’ve tried
I will never be satisified
I’ll never give up until I’ve tried
I will never be satisfied
I’ll never give up until I’ve tried
I will never be satisfied
I’ll never give up until I’ve tried
I will never be satisfied


Psapp – Rear Moth


You’re a lovely fade out
You’re the last part of a now
Only when I’m sleeping do I see

Oh I want for nothing
It’s the hardest part of all
What can keep me up and let me fall


Sometimes when we’re walking
Oh I like the way we weave
Circles loop in circles again

Here I see a shadow
It’s a flicker ’round your mouth
Are you laughing at me or with me?


В мережі чимало їхніх класних відео. Ми зокрема радимо ось це – Psapp називають найважливіше у своєму житті :)


Psapp – Infra Red

Your spit still clings to bottles in the fridge
It brings relief to know that you’ve been there
All this time

The taste of AM shifting through the darkest night
It battles for a space that’s right
How I collect

My eyes you drew
Cross them for something to do

Barefeet cross, in infrared they meet
They last, the images they make still stay
Close to me

Pins and things, they’re caught up in your hair
They made, they made me want to care, still there
And I collect

Half-sucked sweets and fine receipts
Stuck in my pocket for you
For you

Mugison – Mugigospel 

Tokian Tokiko – Tokian Tokiko

Rockettothesky – Mother Silence

amiina – Tvisturinn

World Standard and Kama Aina – The Coo Coo Bird!

Mice Parade – Milton Road

Kama Aina – Theme


Зітканий з фрагментів кількох десятків мелодій подкаст про стиль музики, в якому джерелом звуків може слугувати буквально все.


В арт-журналі AZH у вересні 2009-го.